Detroit Pizzeria

Detroit Pizzeria

At "Detroit Pizzeria" we don’t just bake pizza. we create moments and make people smile. "Detroit Pizzeria" was built on the core value that our pizzas should be special, and we carry that value in everything we do. With years of experience under our "Master Chef" we fathom how to best serve our guests through our undeterred zeal of service principles: We create moments and we’re proud to serve and deliver them to your doorsteps.

Our core philosophy at “Detroit Pizzeria ” is to preserve and entice authentic pizza baking techniques befitting our exclusive and indulgent range of offerings that is filled with flavors and aroma that is authentic and versatile. We at "Detroit Pizzeria" use all handpicked spices from different parts of the world.

We constantly innovate and understand our social corporate responsibility towards a better society and are committed to providing employment to local and rural farmers, to cut middlemen all our flours, meat, poultry, and vegetables we directly procure it from local farmers and producers.

In these uncertain times we as an organization understand environmental and health consequences and are committed to the Go Green initiative.

What's more comforting than having warm, crispy, and cheese-melting pizzas at your doorstep with your family and friends. We are proud to serve freshly baked moments to our guests.